Mission Granite Curling Club – Tie-Breaking Rules
- At the conclusion of the regular season schedule, if there is a tie for any position in the league, the standing of the teams will be determined by the following tie-breaking procedure.
- The team with the best record in head-to-head competition shall be declared higher in the standings.
- The team with the greater number of regular wins during the regular season shall be declared higher in the standings.
- If more than two teams remain tied, the percentage of available points earned in games among the teams which are still tied shall be used to determine the standings.
- During the season all team members will throw one rock to the button. The league captain will record the combined measurements for the team. The team with the overall lowest combined total will be declared higher in the standings if teams are tied. (Players that hog a rock or throw threw the house will be given a distance of 21 feet)